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The copyright (©) of all material on this Blog is owned by me (unless stated otherwise). No part of this Blog may be copied in any form, for sale, loan or any other distribution without the express permission from myself (Carolyn Davison)

©Carolyn Davison

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015

The year is nearly over
2016  is almost here,
Let's look forward to the future,
Not waste another year!

Let's keep on moving onward
Towards our heavenly home,
Where Jesus is our Captain,
And sin and sorrow gone.

Let's set our hearts t'wards Zion,
That holy, heavenly mountain,
Where angels worship the holy King
Our pure and living Fountain!

© Carolyn Davison 31st December 2015 written at 23:40

Monday, 14 December 2015

Gnome in the Home

He sat there in the garden
Miffed as miffed can be,
Getting drenched with the pouring rain
And putting up with doggy wee!

"I've had enough!" he cried out,
"I'm as cold as cold can be!
I'm fed up with pouring rain
And lots of doggy wee!"

So he grabbed his little bundle,
Headed for the home,
That poor dejected ornament,
That little garden gnome!

He saw the lights inside,
And the tiny little elf,
Looking very smug 
Sitting on his shelf!

The gnome was very determined
To knock him down a peg or two,
And maybe, just maybe
Flush him down the loo.

He had dreams of great conquests,
Of starting world war three.
No more rain, no more outdoors
And no more doggy wee!

He wanted that position,
On the honoured shelf!
He wanted to take the place
Of that smug and smarmy elf!

So he waltzed up to the back door,
Squeezed through the small cat flap.
He was ready and willing
To give that elf a slap.

Striding now with purpose,
Into the lounge he went,
Glaring at that little elf,
War was his intent!

The elf jumped down to greet him,
But got a massive smack,
Which sent him flying in the air,  
Then landing on his back.

The elf recovered quickly,
And took a Kung-Fu stance
He did a few manoeuvres 
Kicking Gnomey in the pants!

Not feeling too discouraged,
The gnome rallied around,
And with his big fat belly,
Knocked Elfie to the ground!

The belly was too much 
For that skinny yanky elf,
He groaned and he gibbered
And climbed back to his shelf.

"If it's a war you're wanting,
If that's what you intended,
In good American tradition,
I'll join when it's nearly ended!"

He looked down at Gnomey -
Looking beaten, bashed and bruised!
Sounding very Victorian, shouted out
"I'm not amused!"

Gnomey poked his tongue out,
Blew a raspberry, very loud.
Puffed out his pudgy chest,
Feeling very proud!

So off went little Gnomey,
Smug as smug can be,
Into the owners kitchen,
To make a cup of tea!

© Carolyn Davison 13th December 2015

Thursday, 10 December 2015

A Haiku?

Posted this on Twitter on August 13th (I made it up)

Jesus on the cross, 
Died to become my Saviour,
Living now for Him

Upon The Cross

Upon the cross our Scapegoat hung:
All our sins on Him were laid - 
Into the wilderness of death,
All our debts now paid!

Upon the cross, atonement made!
God's wrath burned upon He
The Lamb was slain for our sakes,
As He died on Calvary.

Upon the cross, the Law fulfilled
By the One of purity!
Our sins destroyed,
Now peace with God:
Our souls have been set free!

Upon the throne He intercedes,
Our glorious, heavenly King!
Risen, triumphant, glorified!
His praise we all must sing!

© Carolyn Davison 10th December 2015

Thursday, 22 October 2015

We are the Welsh

We are not Irish, we are not Scots,
We are not English, definitely not!
We are the Welsh, an ancient race.
With songs and poetry, our land is graced.

Mines and steel, mountains and streams, 
Eisteddfods, Welsh Cakes, Rugby teams,
Male voice choirs, hills and vales!
We are the Cymry - those from Wales!

Long place names, Llanfair PG
Lots of L's for you to see. 
Abers, Llans are very nice,
Only there to confuse the Saes

Proud and red, our dragon stands
The most unique of all the lands.
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau, an anthem tells. 
Dwynwen, Maelon and mystic wells.

Twm Sion Cati, Llewelyn's hound,
The Afanc - creature never found. 
Myths and tales, from time long past, 
The wizard Merlin, a spell to cast.

We are the Welsh, from the Land of Song,
Tom Jones, Bonnie Tyler, their voices, strong.
Charlotte Church, Shirley Bassey too
Shakin' Stephens - "Because I love you!" 

© Carolyn Davison 14th October 2015

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Avon Brochure

Put that chocolate in a cup,
Grab your brochure: put feet up.
Look through the pages full of fun,
There's a product for everyone.

Male and female,
Girls and boys,
Perfume, shower gel,
Christmas toys. 

Make up, hairspray, 
Skincare too.
Nighties, bras
and pairs of shoes.

Slippers, bags,
Watches, rings, 
You'll find almost 

So come and see
What Avon sells,
Wonderful scents,
With exotic smells.

You won't regret
The time you spend!
Look from the start 
Until the end.

Customer service -
A friendly face, 
If you decide,
An order to place. 

So come on - feet up
Open your book
Do not wait
Just take a look!

© Carolyn Davison 24th September 2015

Monday, 3 August 2015

Two Lions

Cecil, oh Cecil,
Jungle's king
Strong and mighty
O'er everything

Leader supreme
O'er all your pride
"How beautiful, majestic!"
The people cried.

Cecil, oh Cecil,
Out in the sun,
A hunter came
With his hunting gun.

One shot or two,
And down he fell.
Undignified death,
Pain! Who can tell?

Jesus, oh Jesus,
Universe's King.
Ruler Supreme
Over everything.

Creator, Sustainer
Of all Creation,
Redeemer and Saviour,
In every nation.

Jesus, oh Jesus
God's only Son
Died on the cross
All His work done

Not one sin nor two
But ALL He atoned.
Now in the heavens
The Lord is enthroned

So come to the Lion,
The Ruler of all.
Not Cecil, but Jesus,
Your name, does He call

© Carolyn Davison 3rd August 2015

Saturday, 4 July 2015

For what profit is it...?

For what profit is it
To gain all the riches in the world
When you could lose it in one day
If the markets crash?

For what profit is it
To own a huge house in the country
When thieves could break in and steal 
All of your precious possessions?

For what profit is it 
To own the latest and greatest big car
When it could rust away to nothing
If it's scratched by a tiny stone?

For what profit is it 
To own the largest clothes wardrobe ever
When one little moth could destroy it
With it's minute babies?

For what profit is it
To gain the whole world for a lifetime
Only to spend eternity in hell -
A place with no emergency exit? 

© Carolyn Davison 4th July 2015

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Dream Land

I just made this poem up for the Avon beauty connects site:

No land will I travel to
No country or isle
But a place full of hope
Which will raise a big smile.

I am going to a place 
Where no one else can.
Not any other woman
Nor any other man

Far away in the depths of my soul
To find something new, 
To find something whole.

It's a place of large dreams,
And imaginary tales,
A place I can swim
With dolphins and whales.

I can ride very tall
On a unicorn's back,
And fight a great dragon
In his dwelling so black.

I can sing with the fairies
Where crystal rivers flow
I can swing tree to tree
And slide down a rainbow

I can climb rubber trees
And flatten the mountains
I can run faster than wind
And eat from chocolate fountains

© Carolyn Davison 17th March 2015