I sat at the school desk; blank as the black of night
Pen poised and ready, what was I gonna write?
The words on the front, in bold said Theory Test;
I knew deep in my beating heart I had to do my best!
Opening the paper, I looked on the page,
There were loads of black notes; written on the stave.
Put in the bar lines, time signature and clef
Were they for the right hand or were they for the left?
Counting all the quavers, semis, demis too,
Adding all the bars lines made me feel quite blue.
Was the key in major? How many sharps and flats?
If I get the whole thing wrong, I'm gonna feel a prat!
Now for transposition, take it down a few!
Do I count the semitones? I don't know what to do!
I start to tear my hair out. I start to weep and cry,
Why am I doing this, please tell me WHY?
My head starts spinning, I know the info's there!
If I cannot find it - would I really care?
Do I use a Leading Note? Do I use a Tonic?
I really wish I had a brain, which was supersonic
I looked up from my paper and gazed around the hall!
The room was totally empty, tears began to fall.
I hadn't even started, my brain had gone astray
I wondered if I should carry on, or walk right away!
I looked at the wall clock, with only five mins to go.
Do I write a minim, a doh, ray, mi or soh?
The room started spinning, my knees were feeling weak.
Then I opened up my eyes - the alarm began to shriek!
My duvet felt quite soggy, with tears, I'd cried that night!
I want to do my very best and get each question right!
I'd love to get a Merit, a Distinction would be great,
A Pass would be OK, but a Fail I would hate!
So as I look forward, to my Music Theory Test,
The only thing I need to do is try my very best!
© Carolyn Davison (8th June 2013)
I received a Merit (88%).