It's very easy,
And it's not strange
When I tell the world how I feel!
My country's in ruins -
It's bankrupt, you see,
I've spent the money,
I need a distraction
Away from me
Now where can I turn my gaze?
The Falklands, across the sea
I really need those Islands,
I need their oil!
I must make a scream and a fuss!
I will make up some stories
About how it is ours!
Go to the UN
And see if they will support my cause!
I hope they are on my side
Or I will start some wars!
Don't cry for me Falkland Islands!
The truth is, I want your oil!
I care not 'bout the people;
Their referendum!
I want the Islands
For their resources!
And as for Francis, now that he's pope,
I think I will sucker him in!
Although in the past I've hated his guts -
He will be useful!
He's a brilliant solution
For my evil plan
The answer was here all the time
Jorgé the re-ligious man!
Don't cry for me Falkland Islands!
The truth is, I want your oil!
I care not 'bout the people;
Their referendum!
I want the Islands
For their resources!
I always say too much;
There's plenty more I can think up to say to you!
Rewrite our nation's history
And make the world think
Every word is true!
© Carolyn Davison 29th March 2013