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The copyright (©) of all material on this Blog is owned by me (unless stated otherwise). No part of this Blog may be copied in any form, for sale, loan or any other distribution without the express permission from myself (Carolyn Davison)

©Carolyn Davison

Friday, 6 December 2013

False religion and true faith

Church men, hard as nails,
No emotion,
Watched as each slave was
Loaded onto a ship.
"It's fine to be hard,
These are not human,
On Sunday we will
Show our devotion.
We will justify our evil
To God. He will understand!"
But the God of creation
Looks down from above, 
With a heart of anger
And wrath.
The deceitfulness of sin
Ruins the inner man.
No more can he stand
Before the God he proclaims
As his own.
Disobedience, like a huge wall
Separates man from his Creator.
False religion
Blasphemous religion.
Men destined by their own arrogance
To spend eternity in hell

Black slave, with changed heart,
Full of emotion,
Prays to God each day,
Not for himself, but for 
The soul of his cruel master.
Every minute of each day
He is filled with true devotion.
Every stripe on his bare back 
Reminds him of where he stands,
Redeemed by the One who died for him.
He's safe in his Saviour's hands.
This man in chains is free in a way
His master could never imagine. 
Now he can stand 
Before the God he proclaims
As his own.
Not in this life, will he be free,
But the life which is to come.
He will live in eternity.
True faith is his,
Salvation is his.
Saved from himself,
Destined by his faith
To spend eternity in heaven.

© Carolyn Davison 6th December 2013

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Believe it or not
I grew up in Splott
Quite close to Cardiff Bay

Just for a lark
We went to Splott Park
On the roundabout, we did play

Things not so foul
In our school, Baden Powell
Mr Beynon was head, in our day

We weren't soft as pillows
In that school we called Willows
The best we were, come what may.

©Carolyn Davison 27th November 2013

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming
Our MPs are getting fat
On the cuts in benefits
And the bedroom tax.

We don't have many pennies
And ha'pennies don't exist
I think our present leaders
Are just taking the mick.

©Carolyn Davison 7th November 2013

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Wind, like breath from afar,
Blowing through trees
With a hundred tongues
Singing nature's song.
An excited child with flags,
Waving the branches,
Greeting the passing seasons

Stormy tempest,
Furious, fighting, fast.
Moving to its own rhythm,
Playing a tune no one dare utter.

Majestic trees, bowing to creation's audience,
Each branch conducting its own symphony:
Allegro; con passionata
Each branch falling
With a crash to make nature's music.

Gentle breeze, whispering a sweet lullaby. 
Tenderly touching each object in its path.
Leaves dancing to nature's song.

© Carolyn Davison 22nd October 2013

Thursday, 17 October 2013


Standing on the pit of life
Gazing into the darkness
I remember that I am not in that hole,
I have been freed from life's oubliette.
I look up and glance at the bounteous radiance
Of creation's gleam.
My soul lifts beyond the mountains of trials
And flies with the eagles, soaring gracefully;
Riding on the wind's breath.
My feet are placed on solid ground;
The rock of my salvation.
A new song is on my lips
And praise rises far beyond the reaches of the heavens
Into the realm of the One who lifted me from that pit.

© Carolyn Davison 17th October 2013

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Adrenaline rushing like a train from north to south
Beating heart, racing every thought
Tingling body as if every nerve is on fire
Sensuous touch like a light brush on a canvas
Tender kiss, soft, gentle with a meaning
Understood by each other.
Whispered declarations of affection

Love so strong so passionate,
Accepting, patient, kind.
Full of respect, never envious,
Forever growing as time goes on.
Never dying forever living.

Carolyn Davison 10th October 2013

Tuesday, 8 October 2013


As desperate as a person clinging to the edge of a precipice,
The raindrop clings to a blade of grass,
Because to fall would bring it to its ultimate destruction,
Smashing it into many fragments on the ground.
Facets of colour dance through its transparent skin,
Like a troop of floating leaves pirouetting in the wind,
Spinning around and around on the breath of nature. 

As a drowning man clings to his last breath
So clings this transient droplet of water;
As if the world would end if it fell into an eternal grave.
The clouds part for the opening scene of the natural drama
The sun, like a lead actor shines its glorious light 
Through the raindrop.
Piercing the sky, an arc of colour bursts forth
Pure and radiant. 
The glory of nature being played out on the terrestrial stage.
The wonder of creation, hanging like a portrait
Among the clouds and sun rays.  

© Carolyn Davison 8th October 2013
I wrote this poem, sitting in my car! It was raining outside!

Sunday, 6 October 2013

My Sister

I remember the times
I was ill in my bed;
You would come and sit with me;
The stories you read.

We would play in the park
On the big slide, and swings.
We would love to play music,
We would love to sing


I love you, dear sister,
What more can I say?
I think of you always,
With each passing day.
You're here in my heart,
You're part of my soul.
It's the love of a sister,
Which is keeping me whole!

We loved to play horses,
Using plant pots and canes,
Jumping those 'fences'
Over and over again.

We would play in the street,
We would knock on the doors.
We would then run for cover
And go back for more.


Do you ever remember
The times I was bad;
I was moody, contentious,
I would drive you mad?

But still you would help me
With my work from school.
You are my big sister,
You are no fool!


When we got older
You went off to Uni
I went to college,
The  lived over the sea.
We would still keep in contact
By post or by phone. 
My dear friend and sister,
I was never alone.
Marriage and family
Life must keep going.
Seeds of sisterly love
They must keep growing.
Without my sister 
My heart is not whole,
My memories are shattered
I've a void in my soul


I love you, dear sister,
But the hole in my heart
Grows wider and wider
The more we're apart.
You are my big sister
You are part of my soul,
With no speaking or contact
I cannot be whole 

© Carolyn Davison 6th October 2013

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Old man

Hunched in his chair
Paper in lap
TV in the background
Blaring out endless noise.
No one listening
No one caring
Just an old man hunched,
No one to make cook his food
No one to kiss his cheek

There was a time when laughter filled this room
A time when the sound of tiny feet filled this house
Now, but for the TV, silence
Everything silent as the grave.

Remembering those distant times
The days on the beach
Digging the garden
Christmas with the family
Times filled with

Forgetting the present
Forgetting the loneliness
Forgetting the fading wallpaper
Forgetting the day our last enemy
Took his loved one
Forgetting his name

Old man hunched in his chair
Ready to meet with death
His final enemy
Death where there is no escape
Old man hunched in his chair...

©Carolyn Davison 18th September 2013

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Stolen heart

You stole my heart
And locked it in the depths 
Of your soul.

No key can unlock
My heart
Except your love

No hands can snatch
My heart
Except your touch

No spell can break
The lock
Except your desire

You stole my heart
My heart is yours
It is yours to keep
For all eternity!

© Carolyn Davison 10th September 2013

Friday, 23 August 2013

Sending a smile

A smile is but a few muscles
Spreading love across your face
Send this poem around the world
Extending love to every place

(by © Carolyn Davison 23 August 2013)

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Baby - A Treasure

Tiny child with skin so smooth
Hair so soft
Small fingers clutching mother's hand
A treasure more precious than
Silver or gold

Snubby nose on gentle face
Sleepy eyes
Tiny feet kick in freedom
A treasure more precious
Than diamond gem

Minute nails on feet and hands
Curling toes
Gentle cry and tender laughter
A treasure more precious
Than kingly crown

© Carolyn Davison 24th July 2013

Thursday, 13 June 2013

You may think - a poem for those being bullied!

You may think that I am boring!
You may think that I am square!
You may think that I am weird!
Cos of how I wear my hair!

You may say that you don't like me!
You may talk behind my back!
You may whisper loads of gossip!
You may give me lots of flak!

Just because I may act differently!
And may seem rather strange!
Doesn't mean that you should put me down!
Use me like a firing range!

One day something may happen,
Which turns your life around!
Where you may not be so gorgeous!
So keep your feet upon the ground!

If you're being bullied
Hold your head up high
Because the one who does the bullying
Inside, they may have died!

© Carolyn Davison 13th June 2013

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Music Theory Exam

I sat at the school desk; blank as the black of night
Pen poised and ready, what was I gonna write?
The words on the front, in bold said Theory Test;
I knew deep in my beating heart I had to do my best!

Opening the paper, I looked on the page,
There were loads of black notes; written on the stave.
Put in the bar lines, time signature and clef
Were they for the right hand or were they for the left?

Counting all the quavers, semis, demis too,
Adding all the bars lines made me feel quite blue.
Was the key in major? How many sharps and flats?
If I get the whole thing wrong, I'm gonna feel a prat!

Now for transposition, take it down a few!
Do I count the semitones? I don't know what to do! 
I start to tear my hair out. I start to weep and cry,
Why am I doing this, please tell me WHY?

My head starts spinning, I know the info's there!
If I cannot find it - would I really care?
Do I use a Leading Note? Do I use a Tonic?
I really wish I had a brain, which was supersonic 

I looked up from my paper and gazed around the hall!
The room was totally empty, tears began to fall.
I hadn't even started, my brain had gone astray
I wondered if I should carry on, or walk right away!

I looked at the wall clock, with only five mins to go.
Do I write a minim, a doh, ray, mi or soh?
The room started spinning, my knees were feeling weak.
Then I opened up my eyes - the alarm began to shriek!

My duvet felt quite soggy, with tears, I'd cried that night!
I want to do my very best and get each question right!
I'd love to get a Merit, a Distinction would be great, 
A Pass would be OK, but a Fail I would hate! 

So as I look forward, to my Music Theory Test, 
The only thing I need to do is try my very best!

© Carolyn Davison (8th June 2013)


I received a Merit (88%). 


Friday, 12 April 2013

British Justice?

British Justice?

If I robbed a jewellery store
I’d get 20 years to life!
But I’d get rather less
If I murdered someone’s wife!

If I defrauded lots of cash
The police would be after me!
There are those who get away with it
They are called MPs!

What is British Justice?
Is it just at all?
Especially when the ‘common man’
Is the one to take the fall!

It seems, if you’re an MP
You get away with breaking laws;
You may even be promoted
And start earning millions more!

Where is British Justice
When a man’s shot down dead
By those employed to protect us?
Shooting bullets in his head!

Where is British Justice
When groups shout “Kill the Queen!”?
They never get arrested
You know who I mean!

What is British justice?
I really can not think,
It seems to favour criminals
And those who like pink

What is British justice?
Seems like life ain’t worth a jot
‘Cept if you steal money or jewels
Your body’s left to rot!

So much for British justice
Seems like it’s really bent!
And most of Britain’s criminals
Are in the Houses of Parlia-ment

©Carolyn Davison

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Wash Your Hands

When you go to the loo
Always wash your hands
Because those little things
Called germs
Hang around in bands

They stick to door handles
They grasp onto your food
They get on almost everywhere
I'm not trying to be rude


Wash your hands - it ain't hard
Wash them with soap and water
And then you won't spread disease
Life will be what it aught'a


That was a public health warning given to you by the Department of Clean Hands and Fresh Loos
©Carolyn Davison 7th April 2013

Friday, 29 March 2013

Don't Cry for me Falkland Islands

It's very easy,
And it's not strange
When I tell the world how I feel!
My country's in ruins - 
It's bankrupt, you see,
I've spent the money,
I need a distraction
Away from me
Now where can I turn my gaze?
The Falklands, across the sea

I really need those Islands,
I need their oil!
I must make a scream and a fuss! 
I will make up some stories
About how it is ours!
Go to the UN
And see if they will support my cause!
I hope they are on my side
Or I will start some wars!

Don't cry for me Falkland Islands!
The truth is, I want your oil!
I care not 'bout the people;
Their referendum!
I want the Islands
 For their resources!

And as for Francis, now that he's pope,
I think I will sucker him in!
Although in the past I've hated his guts - 
He will be useful!
He's a brilliant solution 
For my evil plan
The answer was here all the time
Jorgé the re-ligious man!

Don't cry for me Falkland Islands!
The truth is, I want your oil!
I care not 'bout the people;
Their referendum!
I want the Islands
 For their resources!

I always say too much;
There's plenty more I can think up to say to you!
Rewrite our nation's history
And make the world think
Every word is true!

© Carolyn Davison 29th March 2013

Monday, 25 March 2013


I went into the room and I sat in the chair
Where the dentist said I thought that I had told ya
T-O-L-D told ya
He walked up to me and said open wide
I looked very scared, even more when he cried MOLAR
M-O-L-A Molar mo-mo-mo-mo- molar

Well I'm not usually one to cry
But when he brought out his pliers there's a tear in my eye
Oh my molar, mo-mo-mo-mo- molar
Well I closed my eyes and clung to his hand
And wouldn't let go, like a rubber band
Oh my molar, mo-mo-mo-mo- molar, mo-mo-mo-mo- molar

Well he pulled and he pulled with all his might
Under his electric light
He asked for assistance from the guy next door
Who said "It might be better if she lay..."
I'm not usually someone to moan
But when I looked at those pliers, I felt a loss for my molar
mo-mo-mo-mo- molar, mo-mo-mo-mo- molar
Molar mo-mo-mo-mo- molar, mo-mo-mo-mo- molar

I jumped out the chair
I ran to the door
I slipped to the floor
I got up on my knees
I looked at him, and he at me

I like my tooth and I want it to stay
And really I want it to be that way for my molar
mo-mo-mo-mo- molar
I like my teeth and my teeth like me
It's just the way I really want it to be
for my molar, mo-mo-mo-mo- molar

Well I had a pain the week before
And I can say it ain't bad anymore.
The dentist smiled and said "You'll be fine,
I missed the molar, took out a canine!"
I looked in the mirror and saw the gap
Went away, still a happy chap
For my molar
mo-mo-mo-mo- molar
mo-mo-mo-mo- molar
Molar mo-mo-mo-mo- molar
mo-mo-mo-mo- molar etc...

© Carolyn Davison 25th March 2013 (lyrics)

Me singing it (sorry it goes out of tune and strange in some places *blush* )

PLEASE NOTE if you do sing this to the tune of Lola the copyright doesn't belong to me!