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The copyright (©) of all material on this Blog is owned by me (unless stated otherwise). No part of this Blog may be copied in any form, for sale, loan or any other distribution without the express permission from myself (Carolyn Davison)

©Carolyn Davison

Monday, 26 November 2012

I'm good - Really?

I'm so good
I'll go to heaven.
Without God's
Eternal Son
Look at my Life
At what I am
And all the things
I've done.

I've given money
To Charity
I've helped in 
Charity shops
I've not told lies
I've not stolen a thing
Now I cannot stop.

My virtues show
Those around
How brilliant
I have been.
I've never watched
Anything bad
And nothing
Too extreme.

I've never taken
A person's life
I've never looked
At someone's spouse
I've never hurt
An animal
Not even a 
Tiny mouse

I go to church 
Each Sunday.
I sing with 
All my heart.
But then
Feel so sleepy
When the sermon

I don't know
Why I need God,
Because I'm 
You see.
I think I'll
Go to heaven
On the works
I've done - 
That's me.

But heaven is the dwelling place
Of God and His Son
To gain entry there 
Isn't based on what YOU'VE done!

It doesn't matter if you're 'good' 
God sees inside your heart.
He sees your motives, lusts, desires
And who you really are.

He sees those times
When you have taken
That extra break in work.
Stealing time from your employer,
The duties that you shirk.

He sees those times when you covet things
And wish they could be yours.
He knows what you are thinking
And saying behind closed doors.

He sees the hatred in your heart,
The evil thoughts you think.
He knows about those tiny lies,
Whether they're white or black or pink.

Why do you think you'll get there
On the things that you've done?
When all those sins you deny
Have been cast upon His Son

Christ has done all the work:
Lived the life we cannot live!
He died a death we deserved
And our sins He does forgive.

You cannot buy your way to heaven.
There's nothing you can do,
'Cept rest and trust in Jesus Christ
He gave His life for YOU!

© Carolyn Davison

 Written 26th November 2012



Sunday, 4 November 2012

If you were a member - remember

If you were a member
On the 5th November
In the year of 1605;
You would give thanks
For the letter
Which made things better
And praise God you were still alive

Today all the members
Should really remember
The year of 1605
Because as time goes by
Maybe some guy
Would hope that they were not alive

© Carolyn Davison

 Written 3rd/4th November 2012