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The copyright (©) of all material on this Blog is owned by me (unless stated otherwise). No part of this Blog may be copied in any form, for sale, loan or any other distribution without the express permission from myself (Carolyn Davison)

©Carolyn Davison

Friday, 21 December 2012

Don't you just hate it when...

Don't you just hate it when you start to talk
And someone or other interrupts?

It can be frustrating, annoying as well
As the chat ends so abrupt!

You can be telling the person 
About your fine day or
About the flowers you grew;
But someone will jump in and
Say something different
Before your sentence is through!

Don't you just hate it when you start to watch
A programme on your TV screen

And someone or other changes the channel
It's enough to make you scream!

You can be watching a scene 
Which you find so exciting or 
Crying at an item of news;
But when the channel is changed
For something inane
It leaves you feeling not amused!

© Carolyn Davison
21st December 2012 

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The 12 Days (plus one) at Eton

On my first day at Eton mummy sent to me
A spanking new brolly

On my second day at Eton mummy sent to me
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my third day at Eton mummy sent to me
3 pairs of hangers
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my fourth day at Eton mummy sent to me
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hangers
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my fifth day at Eton mummy sent to me
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my sixth day at Eton mummy sent to me
6 handkerchiefs
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my seventh day at Eton mummy sent to me
7 white school collars
6 handkerchiefs
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my eighth day at Eton mummy sent to me
8 pairs of undies
7 white school collars
6 handkerchiefs
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my ninth day at Eton mummy sent to me
9 collar studs
8 pairs of undies
7 white school collars
6 handkerchiefs
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my tenth day at Eton mummy sent to me
10 swimming towels
9 collar studs
8 pairs of undies
7 white school collars
6 handkerchiefs
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my eleventh day at Eton mummy sent to me
11 personal items
10 swimming towels
9 collar studs
8 pairs of undies
7 white school collars
6 handkerchiefs
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my twelth day at Eton mummy sent to me
12 pairs of grey socks 
11 personal items
10 swimming towels
9 collar studs
8 pairs of undies
7 white school collars
6 handkerchiefs
5 gold cuff links
4 swimming trunks
3 pairs of hanger
2 approved mouth guards
a spanking new brolly

On my thirteenth day at Eton  the bank manager phoned mummy
and said:
Are you sure you can afford the fees? (£64,134 per year)

© Carolyn Davison
11th December 2012 

Monday, 26 November 2012

I'm good - Really?

I'm so good
I'll go to heaven.
Without God's
Eternal Son
Look at my Life
At what I am
And all the things
I've done.

I've given money
To Charity
I've helped in 
Charity shops
I've not told lies
I've not stolen a thing
Now I cannot stop.

My virtues show
Those around
How brilliant
I have been.
I've never watched
Anything bad
And nothing
Too extreme.

I've never taken
A person's life
I've never looked
At someone's spouse
I've never hurt
An animal
Not even a 
Tiny mouse

I go to church 
Each Sunday.
I sing with 
All my heart.
But then
Feel so sleepy
When the sermon

I don't know
Why I need God,
Because I'm 
You see.
I think I'll
Go to heaven
On the works
I've done - 
That's me.

But heaven is the dwelling place
Of God and His Son
To gain entry there 
Isn't based on what YOU'VE done!

It doesn't matter if you're 'good' 
God sees inside your heart.
He sees your motives, lusts, desires
And who you really are.

He sees those times
When you have taken
That extra break in work.
Stealing time from your employer,
The duties that you shirk.

He sees those times when you covet things
And wish they could be yours.
He knows what you are thinking
And saying behind closed doors.

He sees the hatred in your heart,
The evil thoughts you think.
He knows about those tiny lies,
Whether they're white or black or pink.

Why do you think you'll get there
On the things that you've done?
When all those sins you deny
Have been cast upon His Son

Christ has done all the work:
Lived the life we cannot live!
He died a death we deserved
And our sins He does forgive.

You cannot buy your way to heaven.
There's nothing you can do,
'Cept rest and trust in Jesus Christ
He gave His life for YOU!

© Carolyn Davison

 Written 26th November 2012



Sunday, 4 November 2012

If you were a member - remember

If you were a member
On the 5th November
In the year of 1605;
You would give thanks
For the letter
Which made things better
And praise God you were still alive

Today all the members
Should really remember
The year of 1605
Because as time goes by
Maybe some guy
Would hope that they were not alive

© Carolyn Davison

 Written 3rd/4th November 2012

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Innocent Lives

You looked into her innocent eyes
Lust burning in your heart,
She trusted you with everything
But you would tear her life apart!

Nothing would stop you,
All you cared about was desire,
You took the heart of an innocent child - 
Tore it up and burned it with fire.

Innocence gone, innocence lost,
Dreams and hopes all shattered,
A life is gone through your selfishness
Maybe life just never mattered...
To you

You saw her at the school dance
Pretty as a picture
Nothing would stop you as you went to her
Stooped down and tried to kiss her

She pulled away, your anger raged
Rejected, you took her outside,
Raped and battered you left her
Inside her something died

Innocence gone, innocence lost,
Dreams and hopes all shattered,
A life is gone through your selfishness
Maybe life just never mattered...
To you

You saw her in a white dress 
Walking down the aisle 
Nothing was as radiant
As her beautiful smile

As the years went by 
She was broken and bruised
You said she was your property:
Someone to abuse
Innocence gone, innocence lost,
Dreams and hopes all shattered,
A life is gone through your selfishness
Maybe life just never mattered...
To you

© Carolyn Davison 2012 (finished on 25/10/12) (edited 11/5/13)

Friday, 12 October 2012

Ode to messenger services

This is a work in progress...

Sitting on the 'puter
Wondering what to do
When a guy comes online
And says
"Hi, how are you?

You look just stunning
In your photo you look great
Wanna start chatting
And be my bestest mate?"

Now chatting to a woman 
Is different to a guy
All they wanna talk is sex
One has to wonder why

Can't they chat about the weather?
Can't they chat about the zoo?
Can't they chat about anything else?
Nothing else seems to do!

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Lager lager

Lager Lager
Shining bright
In the pub
On Saturday night

Head of bubbles
White and foaming
Makes me happy
While I'm roaming

Drink too many
Then you'll see
What lager lager
Does to me

Walking straight
Is not super
Falling over
In a drunken stupour

Lager lager
Not so bright
Makes me puke
Throughout the night

Written 7/10/12 in about 5 minutes...

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Where will it be?


In the China Sea 
With Pakistanis,
Where will the next conflict be?
We've done Iraq,
Now Afghanistan.
Just because of the 
Sin of man,
Will China now attack Taiwan?
Where will the conflict be?

Where will it be?

Our leaders sit alone
At night or on their throne;
Wondering who they can attack today!
"Oh, will it be a town?
Something bigger to blow down,
We will send the poor soldiers on their way!"


They wake up every night
Wondering who to fight;
The Taliban or Al Qaeda guys!
Do we shoot them from behind?
I wonder if they'd mind...
Oh boy, they're in for a huge surprise!


With our soldiers on front line,
We're thinking things are fine!
Then they shot Osama in the head!
Everyone in the West
Thinks that this is best,
But some Muslims now want us dead

© Carolyn Davison 2012

altd. - original version in Ding Dong Merrily Eating Pies (ISBN: 978-0-9561573-3-1)

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Guide Camp (or how to get rid of your captain)

Note: I wrote the original version of this poem when I was 13. I wrote for my Queen's Guide presentation evening. I have changed it around and hope it's better.

Once I went to Guide camp,
Oh! It was a shambles!
I hit my finger with a mallet,
And ripped my dress on brambles!

We tried to put our tents up,
But broke all the pegs.
Then we threw away our mallets - 
They hit our Captain's legs

We put up the fire screen,
But, alas, it got burned down!
Captain wasn't happy,
Her face was just a frown!

At last! It was lunch time -
A wasp was pestering me,
I swatted it with my dinner plate - 
It landed in Captain's tea!

After lunch, that afternoon,
There was a welly throwing comp.
I threw the Captain's welly
And it landed in a swamp!

Captain tried to retrieve it,
Out of the mud and muck - 
But she leaned too far over,
And in it, she was stuck!

We threw top her a big long rope,
She tied it round her belly!
We pulled and pulled - 
She came out
And so did her welly!

Later on we built rope bridges!
Mine was very long!
But when Captain tested it -
She found it not too strong!

By six o'clock our tents were up,
The pegs had arrived that day!
We thought it strange, while pitching them,
Captain stayed away!

That night we had a campfire sing son,
The flames were growing higher!
We really hadn't intended
To start a forest fire!

We called the local fire brigade;
With hoses they did come!
But by the time they had arrived
The damage had been done!

The fire had spread to the campsite,
All the tents burned to the ground!
We were so shocked and frightened
We didn't make a sound!

We had to go back home that night - 
We had nowhere else to go!
Ours spirits had been dampened, 
We were feeling very low!

It affected our poor Captain
More than we can say!
'Cause when we went to Guides again
She had moved away!

There is a tiny rumour,
That she may be in your town!
So if you join a unit
Never make your Captain frown!

She's there because she wants to make
You happy and well adjusted!
Just behave and be very keen
So that you can always be trusted!

© Carolyn Davison

from my book Larger Than Life on Rollerskates (ISBN:978-0-9561573-0-0)

NB the events in this poem are entirely ficticious!

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

'Twas the Night Before Work

'Twas the night before work
And sat on the chair
Was an employee
Blow-drying her hair
She had to look good
For the following day
Standing by the till
Where customers pay.

Suddenly she remembered
She'd forgotten to clean
Two of the fridges
What could this mean?
And then came to mind
The grocery zone
Oh no what a pain
Would the manager moan?

She started to stress
As she blow-dried her hair
Would her colleagues complain
And say - "That's not fair!
You've left us to tidy, 
To clean and to stack
Just get a grip
Or you'll get the sack!"

Stress building up
She began to cry
As she thought of the muffins 
And sweet apple pie!
The broken wine bottles
The spilled whipping cream
She was feeling, oh feeling
That this was extreme!

She thought of the manager
What would she say
When she went in
The following day?
"Pull yourself together
Stop being a prat!
You know what to do!"
Would she give her a slap?

As she thought of the next day
She was so full of tension
Would her contract
Have an extension?
She was oh so worried
That she wanted to scream
But suddenly she woke up
It was only a dream!

© Carolyn Davison (written 27th March 2012)

Please note any M&S managers and colleagues - this poem does not refer to any of  you :)