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The copyright (©) of all material on this Blog is owned by me (unless stated otherwise). No part of this Blog may be copied in any form, for sale, loan or any other distribution without the express permission from myself (Carolyn Davison)

©Carolyn Davison

Sunday, 18 December 2011

The Stringy Shopping Bag

We are told to avoid plastic bags:
They’re not good for the O-Zone
So I bought myself a stringy bag
To carry all my shopping home.

It started off so tiny
I wondered if it would cope
With all the things I had to buy
From tins to bars of soap

Trolley loaded to the brim
I was as proud as proud can be,
I was helping the environment
With my bag so small and stretchy

I waited in the checkout line
Carrier firmly in my hand!
Proud I was of that stringy bag
I was going to save this land!

The lady behind the checkout desk
Scanned everything in my trolley.
I started to put things in that bag
I was feeling rather jolly!

The bag began to stretch right out
It became twice its normal size
I shoved and squeezed, puffed out my cheeks
I really was surprised.

The amount of things that bag could hold
Amazed everyone in that store,
Because when I thought it was done
I could squeeze in something more.

The food kept coming down the belt
My bag was becoming huge
But still I pushed and shoved things in
My face was rather rouge.

That stringy bag, I thought would break
But it was strong as steel.
I filled and filled it to the brim
With every kind of meal

When at last I came to pay,
My look changed from proud, to funny
Because I’d not brought my leather bag
Which contained all my money.

So with a face as red as fire
I had to unpack that bag;
The woman behind the checkout desk
Was looking rather mad!

The manager came over to me
And waved his great big hand!
And said in angry, vicious tones
“Do this again and you’ll be banned!”

So all forlorn, I left that place
Stringy bag shrunk to normal size
Looking back at the superstore
I wiped large tears from my eyes!

The moral of the story is
You may want to save this land,
But make sure you bring your money with you
To stop you from being banned!

© Carolyn Davison